

Book a Property

The booking process typically takes 10-15 minutes. Choose dates, add guests, review, and confirm. Payment is secure. Need help? Contact our support team.

Modifying or cancelling aligns to our cancellation policy, cancellations can be made up to and within 7 days of arrival that is 7 days prior to your arrival. Review the property details and contact our support team for assistance if you are unsure.

If you have already made a booking the host’s contact details should be on your confirmation email. If you have not yet made a booking you can contact your host via the listing page.

Simply scroll to the bottom of the page and click to ‘message your host’. Please note you will need to be logged in to your Thalassophi account.

Most of the information you need to book should be on the website e.g. sleeping arrangements, amenities, etc. Bear in mind that it is the host that manages the home so, for any additional information that is not on the listing, it is best to ask them directly. That may also include arranging a quote for other services. You can contact the host via using the details within your booking.

Service fees are the percentage commissions that Thalassophi charges for using the website, and the tools use to transact on the platform. This is deducted from the total cost of booking.

Some properties may have additional fees, such as cleaning fees or security deposits. Check the property details and the booking summary for a transparent breakdown of costs.

If it is listed on the website then yes, the availability shown on the site should absolutely be accurate!

To qualify as a Thalassophi host there are certain standards that need to be met in terms of service. Availability is one of the most important and is therefore something we monitor very closely. All Thalassophi hosts must ensure all external calendars are synced correctly and commit to always keeping all seasonal rates and other information up to date. This is clearly laid out in detail in our Host agreement which must be agreed to before we publish the home on the website. If they don’t, they are removed from the platform.

If you would prefer to check with your host before making the booking you can contact them directly.

In some cases, hosts may have recently taken a long-term tenant so it is indeed correct. In others, hosts may not have opened their calendars yet for that season. On average, hosts will open calendars around 12 months in advance.

Yes – you just need to make sure the correct dates and number of guests are entered on the listing and the price displayed will be the correct total in your home currency inclusive of all taxes and fees. There are no hidden charges and nothing to add on top.

The deposit fee is the actual rental amount due to the host. Deposit fees or reservation fees can be charged as an instant booking or a percentage booking, the remainder of which will be paid prior to arrival at your stay.

If there is no calendar displayed on the listing it means that this home is not currently bookable. This is usually because the home is ‘under review’ as to whether or not they still meet our standards e.g. we have identified that their availability or pricing is incorrect, or we have visited the home and are waiting for them to make changes in order for it to be in the top 3%.

There are many factors that can impact the final price:

  • Seasonal rates
  • Additional guests
  • Weekly or monthly discounts
  • Tax

These factors are built into our pricing model for each home. Without the relevant information entered you will just be seeing the base rate, so it is super important to enter your dates and number of guests in order to calculate the correct price for your exact stay.

Inclusive Features at the Property

To discover homes tailored for accessibility, simply use our search filters. and also check available features in every property.

Payments are typically processed at the time of booking confirmation. The exact timing may vary based on the property’s payment policy. You can review the property details for specific payment terms or contact the property owner for more information.

Yes, these are the details of our cancellation policy. Depending on the time of booking and actual arrival, we enable cancellation fees up to and including 7 days prior to your arrival. A refund less any service fees will be issued to your source account We facilitate cancellations up to 7 days of booking after which point we do not offer full refunds, unless there are extenuating circumstances. It’s essential to review this information before booking to understand the terms and conditions. If you have specific questions or need clarification, please email us on 

In addition to the listed price, some properties may have additional fees such as cleaning fees, service charges, or security deposits. You can find a detailed breakdown of costs in the booking summary on the property listing page. For transparency, we recommend reviewing these details before confirming your reservation.

Many of our properties are pet-friendly, but it’s essential to check the specific pet policy for each listing.

If a home is not listed as being pet friendly it is highly unlikely that pets have ever stayed there. Furthermore, all hosts are required to carry out a deep clean in between each and every stay which will remove any hairs or other traces left from pets.

Certainly! Many of our properties offer the option to arrange a chef service. You can find details about this service on the property listing page. If you have specific preferences or dietary requirements, please communicate them with the property owner. For further assistance, you can contact our support team at

For Hosts

Service fees are the percentage commissions that Thalassophi charges for using the website, and the tools use to transact on the platform. This is deducted from the total cost of booking.

Thalassophi charges a service fee to the host for administration of the website, recharged transaction fees for usage of bank card or payment services and a commission booking fee to the host for usage of the platform. These amounts are deducted from the total booking costs.

Thalassophi carefully selects the highest quality of properties in each destination. We charge an instant booking fee to our guests because of the popularity, quality and level of the rental properties in our collection.

In most case scenarios we expect a seamless process. Nonetheless, because we are aware that events do occasionally occur, to protect the guest and the host we hold all monies paid by the guest for the rental stay in an escrow account until the guest has left. Provided there are no complaints or need for arbitration, then the hosts will then receive the full amount of the cost of the stay less any service and booking fees.

Please note that as per the Cancellation Policy we will facilitate refunds less service fees within 7 days of the arrival date. After which point we do not refund. We operate a tight schedule as all properties on our platform do not remain available for a long period of time and believe it fair to ensure that our community of hosts are not affected. In the case of extenuating circumstances, we will break this rule to accommodate where necessary.

The Thalassophi Certified Mark is an emblem or mark awarded to brands, hoteliers, rental property owners, wellness experience providers that are raising the bar, reaching and maintaining higher standards of sustainability, ethical practices and socially conscious endeavours for people and nature overall. At Thalassophi we are fully dedicated to the conservation of the environment and the world’s seas and oceans. To learn more or become certified please reach out to us on

Assurance of Exceptional Quality with Every Reservation

Book Your Stay With Confidence and Peace of Mind

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